Primulina (Chirita) Blue Moon
Primulina (Chirita) Blue Moon
Boggan J., Крупные сиренево-голубые колокольчики со светлым горлышком и желтыми отметинами; темно-зеленые удлиненные стеганые листья с серебристыми жилками.
Primulina ‘Blue Moon’. 2000, IR00727, John Boggan, DC. (P. dryas (C. sinensis) ‘Hisako’ x P. spadiciformis). Cross made 1996, planted Nov. 1996 and first flowered Sept. 1998. Sterile. Stemless rosette to 12 in. across, leaves in whorls of 3. Leaves dark green with indistinct lighter green pattern, 4-5 in. long, to 3 in. wide, petiole less than 1 in., hairy, elliptic to ovate, crenate edges, with acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, pale green. Peduncle to 5 in. long, with 4-6 flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, 1 ½ in. long x 1 in. wide, tube pale pinkish lavender, limb medium blue purple. The growth habit is similar to P. dryas (C. sinensis) ‘Hisako’ but the leaves have less distinct markings and the flowers are larger. First published 1999, CrossWords , 23 (2) 4-5.